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Cory Kelly

CoryPlusPlus - Cory with classes

A blog documenting solutions to some interesting problems

  1. Real Time Accomplishments

    This is a running list of my accomplishments. …

  2. Never stop updating your resume

    This is probably one of the most important blog posts that I will right. Not only is it important, it is incredibly simple and will allow you to develop a stellar resume. …

  3. Taking Full Responsibility

    We as human beings are wired to take as many shortcuts as possible when it comes to logic and reasoning. Our brains are wired to find patterns and cut corners. You have all seen the viral post where it asks you to read the sentence and the words are all jumbled up right? That demonstrates just how lazy our brains actually are. …

  4. Self Worth

    Something that I have struggled with throughout my career and even in my personal life has been being able to accurately define my self worth. As a species it is very easy for us to focus on why we aren’t the best fit for a job, or why we can’t do something. We get so caught up degrading ourselves that we forget all the reasons WHY we CAN do something. …

  5. Radix Sort

    Radix Sort Class …

  6. Quick Sort

    Quick Sort Class …

  7. Merge Sort

    Quick Sort Class …

  8. Bubble Sort

    Bubble Sort Class …

  9. Flexible Enumeration Classes

    When developing in any language, enumeration classes are a wonderful tool to not only promote readability but to also make your code much more maintanable. The following is an example of an enumeration class design that I have used over and over. It allows for different representations of the enumeration and also provides conversion methods to go from code or displayString to enumeration. Notice that the conversion methods (getValueFromDisplayString,getValueContainsFromDisplayString,getEnumFromCode) do not reference any enum values directly. This means that if you want to add a new enumeration to the list, you simply have to add it to the enumeration declaration and all other interfaces will work as expected. …